I realized the other day, that there are quite a few mosaics that have never made it to the blog. Ones I like but have never gotten around to photographing. I’m trying to remember when I actually made this umbrella stand. Years and years ago. It spends it’s time in the front hall, bristling with umbrellas, canes, long handled shoe horns, and in direct site of the couch so I see everyday and I still enjoy looking at it. That’s the thing about mosaic, it’s like eye candy, always something to look at. Watch the cup handle as it turns from pic to pic.
This one, made with all sorts of broken dishes in a loose abstract way, has a lot of colour, pattern and texture to enjoy. In fact, when we hauled it out to take photos, I realized that I really should turn it now and then so I can enjoy a fresh view since it changes as you rotate it. It’s kind of fun to forward through the photos and watch it turn, well, for me, anyway.
Looking at it now, I have to admit, that I don’t think I’d do it quite the same way again. At the time I included bits of broken mirror, thinking it would give it shine, but in fact, the bits of mirror just reflect the boring floor or wall. Often students want to include mirror in a table top but I’ve learned now, and I tell them, the mirror bits will just reflect the ceiling. Something to consider.