I’ve decided, this year, to say good-bye to giving Mosaic classes. It’s been a hard decision, and I must admit I dithered over it for a while. First, it was because of the Pandemic, since my classes were in a very small home studio. But, then, I also started to realize that, although I’ve thoroughly enjoyed teaching mosaics to so many students since 2002, I was moving on myself, to other art forms, that I wanted to explore like collage and also painting, that I really wanted to get back to. And to that end, I’ve been having a great time exploring collage, gel printing and have also accumulated an impressive hoard of canvases. You would be amazed at the number of new canvases, still wrapped, you can find at Thrift stores! I haven’t given up making mosaics, though, and still have a stash of dishes for future projects. My poor little studio is heaving with all the types of art I like to engage in.
I do still get lots of inquiries about classes and I wish I could direct those people to an alternative instructor, but I really don’t know any other instructors personally. Although, if you are interested in learning to make Pique Assiette Mosaics, that shouldn’t stop you from searching for and finding another instructor. Or even teaching yourself, from the many how to videos online or as we did, from researching books on the subject in the library. Although Will and I had an education in art, we basically taught ourselves Mosaic. As I always like to say to my students, over the last 20 years, it’s pretty easy to do, a low tech art form and it really fits in with the idea of Slow Art. I’ve left a gallery of just a little sampling of the many students, over the years, on the Mosaic Class page.
Will and I are planning some changes to this website starting right after Christmas. More and better galleries of all of our art work, will be a first priority. So lots to look forward to. And now to finish getting ready for the Holidays…
I’ll end this post with a little visual of a couple of my past students. It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve enjoyed every minute!