Garden Bloggers Bloom Day March 2010


Well, imagine my surprise when, this morning as I was checking into Blotanical, I realized that everyone was posting what was blooming in their gardens today. What followed was a flurry of getting out of my housecoat, getting dressed and running around the garden, camera in hand, looking for blooms. And I was not disappointed. In fact, I found some new blooms on my Mystery plant. It’s never bloomed before. I got it from a very good gardener at a garage sale a couple of summers ago and yes, it did have a tag, but I’ve lost it. If you know, please tell me. It’s the one at the top of the post.

I have just joined Blotanical, inspired by Karen at An Artist’s Garden and it’s been fun.  And I must add that Karen has done a wonderful job of her photos as usual, and also it’s worth it to check out her last years photos too. Trust me on this. Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted by May Dreams Garden and as soon as I’ve got this posted I’ll be zooming over there to add my blog to the day. And then, I suppose, spend more time checking out everyone else’s garden blooms for March. So here they are, with names,(just hover over with your mouse) if I know them, my blooms for March.  Now, I must admit the magnolia is in my garden, but not yet planted.  She is a gift from my sister Shirl, for my recent birthday.  I am spoiled you know.






